
Terms of Use

About Copyright

The copyright of the contents on our web site belong to Š”Žฎ‰๏Žะ–ม’ƒ–โ‰ฎ‘พ“c‰€‘พ“cGˆ๊.
The reproduction or citation which is not for a personal usage require permission of us.
If you desire to use our contents, please contact us in advance.
About Links

The link to our pages is allowed from our homepage to any other individual pages without permission.
You can make a link to a particular part of a page, but with reconstruction of the page the link may not work in the future.
It is not allowed to make a link to any of our pages without permission. If you desire to make a link to our page, please contact us.
We may deny the request depend on its usage.
General Disclaimer

Information on this web site is mostly provided to everyone freely, but we havenft renounced its copyright, so let us know before you use thosedata.
Use any information from our web site on your own responsibility.
We donft assure the reliability of any information on our web site, and are not responsible for both direct or indirect losses caused byusinginformation provided on our web site.
We are not responsible for any information on any web site put on our web site.